I love that feeling when I'm about to post the question on SO, and in the last minute I figure it out by myself. Now I don't have to worry about getting dowvotes or asshole mods.

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    Yesterday I saw a question where the poster shared a link to a github issue saying he’s facing the same issue and needs help.

    6 comments down on the github issue was the answer to the problem, followed by 15 “worked for me too” comments.

    I agree sometimes stackoverflow can be a bit hostile. But share a thought for the people who spend their free time dealing with this nonsense, and being asked to write someone elses homework for them, day in day out. The internet has made the hostile imo ha
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    @practiseSafeHex Most of these "worked for me too" never work for me
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    That, and the other one, where you find the right answer by yourself minutes after posting a SO question :)
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    @Marl3x after I commented he replied that he didn’t see it. Tried it. Worked for him and deleted the question.

    In this particular instance it was a bug in the latest version of a open source library. Solution was to down grade temporarily.
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    Bleh I'd rather bother all principals and all my dev friends then post on SO. SO is a read-only tool for me. Life's too short to deal with SO's self proclaimed 10x engineers
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    Putting the problem into words rather than just thoughts will solve the problem half the time.
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    rubber duck debugging anyone?
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