
This is why you don't hire your son's friend to build your company's website. From a live (new) customer site that needs to be rewritten:

<h2><span class="wsite-text wsite-headline">

<font size="6"><font size="5"><font size="4"><font size="3"><font size="4"><font size="5"><font size="6"><font size="7"><font size="7"><font size="7"><font size="7"><font size="7">​</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><strong><font color="#e4e3f1" size="7">***REDACTED TITLE***</font></strong>


  • 3
    They've obviously been using a rich text editor or visual IDE... and a poor one at that.
  • 5
    looks like he used a WYSIWYG editor and exprimented with font size, and the editor sas so rubbish so it insert a new <font> tag for each change, instead of changing the one already there.
  • 2
    @samk there's poor, and then there's whatever created this monstrosity.

    I'm guessing the editor predates HTML4.
  • 2
    This editor needs to die.
  • 0
    @beofett I don't know. I've used fairly modern editors that throw a complete fit if you try to change simple properties any more than a couple of times. And if you don't have the experience to flick to source mode (provided it's available) and fix it manually you're going to end up with tag madness like this.
  • 1
    @samk the tag was deprecated in html4, and I had to dig to find that a unitless size value was even valid.

    I'm just glad those days are (mostly) behind us.

    And yes, before anyone asks, this website did have some instances of nested tables for formatting (although surprisingly few).
  • 0
    @sebastian why would anyone still use that thing?
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