
Yay !!
Sleep no more with my ultimate awakinator ! (Which is a python script
That wakes up the system and plays alarm till I enter 'ok I'm awake' , then he'll play a video form YouTube channels I defined)

Awesome !!! ^ ^

  • 6
    Alarming that you refer to a script as "he"
  • 9
    It will work for a while. After some time your hands will do it all automatically.

    When I discovered that some clock/alarm apps give you a challenge to solve [e.G. Math problems] I thought that this is it! I will not oversleep any more!
    Boy was I wrong. It worked well for a few months. And then I noticed I am waking up 3 hours after the alarm was disabled. Meaning I solved max difficulty problems w/o even waking up properly...
  • 3
    After typing that you will quit YouTube and go back to sleep

    @netikras I use "I can't wake up legacy" and it works very well if you queue a few alarms. I don't even need the harder math problems with square roots. And the legacy version is better because the new one is missing important features.
  • 3
    @electrineer I was using this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/... . It's a nice app, has widgets, naps, etc.. And math among all those features. Yet it ceased to be challenging enough to require me to be awake to solve given problems and disable the alarm.

    I've changed my routine and now I no longer need similar apps :)
  • 1
    @netikras yikes, those screenshots from Android 2.*
  • 4
    I can recommend "Sleep as Android". There's a feature that lets you scan a QR code before the alarm is disabled.

    I put the QR code on my closet first. Very smart, since the bed is between my closet and the bathroom.

    Then I put the code in the bathroom. Even smarter since the bathroom lies between the kitchen and my room.

    It's in the kitchen now.

    Prolly it'll be on the outside of the house's door in a few months.
  • 1
    I really have a problem with waking up since ever. I can totally relate @netikras as I too solved even the hard problems and still overslept. But there is one thing that I really hate in the morning and that's vibrations. I am currently building a band for my leg with a nodemcu an accu and 5 heavy vibration motors to wake me up. It can't be deactivated until I scan a Barcode with my smartphone in my bath. I will code it so that it will call a tiny server instead of including a clock. I will add a fallback were my smartphone starts alarming if the band can't be reached or wasn't deactivated after some time, that way I can not just rip out the power or remove it.
    hope this will help
  • 2
    Ah and yes I know the feature of sleep as Android but I want to build something myself where I don't have to have my smartphone in my bedroom
  • 2
    @netikras weird flex but ok.
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