Messed up my sleep cycle again! Its 5:30 pm here and I have just woken up. Now the night is going to pass by coding runs, gaming streaks and perhaps a movie. In the morning again I have to be at the office to work. Will have to stay awake for 30 hours or so. FML!

  • 3
    As its sunday, grab some food and get drunk while watching movie then you will pass out amd still make it to work ;)
  • 1
    Yeah go for a long run or something like that, get some sleeping pills, code, game an a movie and go to bed at 12pm with the pills.
  • 1
    @heyheni So you have no issues with sleeping pills. Since, I have this routine every friday or Saturday, I can't rely on pills every week. Tried for a couple of weeks, but doesn't work as a long term strategy!
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