
GRUB_INIT_TUNE="288 880 1 0 1 880 1 0 1 880 1 698 1 1046 1"

Pokemon healing tune.

  • 2
    Grub. Init. Tune. How is it possible to go to sleep after learning this?
  • 0
    @lig1 lol. I have a small snippet of "Feel Good Inc." on my desktop.

    Edit: the pattern for the tune is "tempo frequency beats frequency beats . . . ."
  • 3
    GRUB_INIT_TUNE="300 147 2 130 1 123 1 110 1 440 1 440 1 82 1 98 1 392 1 392 1 123 1 110 1 440 1"

    Just transcribed :)

    Meanwhile, my Sunday evening is being wasted on writing a web app / DB of grub tunes haha.
  • 0
    I was looking for one before I tried figuring out the pokecenter tune. I noticed there was a lot of discussion around 2012, and then most of it stopped.
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    @kenoph got link? need to host it?
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    @lig1 I'll put it up on github as soon as I get a MVP. Anyway it's probably gonna be just a simple bootstrap page with a list view and a filter and I'll be loading the tunes from a static json (I'm not a web dev anyway...) so no need to host it ;) just github pages should be fine.
  • 1
    @kenoph we need tune composer there. And likes:)
  • 1
    @lig1 Far from complete and really really really ugly but here it is:

    I would like to work on it more but my Master's Thesis is not going to write itself :'(
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    @kenoph awesome! It will be handy to have link to the source there
  • 1
    @lig1 and there it is :)
  • 0
    Oh, my, gooooodnesssss. It's delicious. It's so good.
  • 0
    GRUB_INIT_TUNE="300 369 2 329 2 82 1 0 2 82 1 92 1 98 1 0 1 130 1 0 1 123 7"

    "Feel Good Inc" - Gorillaz up to the second "feel good"
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