People are usually better known for something special in their social circles, like a habit, or something they like, or a phrase they often use, like their catchphrase...
As a developer, do you think you have like a code leitmotif? A singular habit or a certain algorithm you like to use?

For example, I'm very mad about string quotes, so I tend to use strictly ' unless it's better / necessary to use ", ` or something else.

  • 3
    Coming from Linux bash scripting I can relate to the quotes thing on a deep level - that stuff fucked me up so many times...

    As for actual development, I'm not sure I've been in the field long enough to develop developer quirks.

    On a not-dev-level, support and ops made me so paranoid of changes I became the guy my boss would pitch new ideas to, just to see if they'd hold with the team, going by the assumption that if he could convince me, the rest of the team probably wouldn't be an issue. Not that I'm afraid of change, but I do hold reality to ideals and expect it to conform to a certain degree.
  • 1
    Probably, but I'd need to think about it first
  • 1
    Nah, I just tell them to goto hell;
  • 2
    public void DoStuffThatHasProgressionInTime() {

    private IEnumerator coDoStuffThatHasProgressionInTime() {
    if(alreadyDoingThatStuff) yield return null;

    alreadyDoingThatStuff = true;
    float t = 0;
    WaitForEndOfFrame waiter = new WaitForEndOfFrame();

    while(t < 1){
    //whatever it is
    yield return waiter;
    t += Time.deltaTime;
    alreadyDoingThatStuff = false;

    yeah, i love Unity coroutines
  • 2
    Absolutley, probably more than a few ;)

    I know several habits I have but I am unsure which might be recognized by coworkers, especially since I switched jobs and I don’t think others have really had a chance to notice any patterns yet.
  • 1
    At the top of bash scripts, I don't use


    but I use

    #!/usr/bin/env bash


    I tend to use template strings in JS/TS without a need for it, because "something might be added later, might save another dev a fraction of a second".

    I reformat a whole project with an auto-formatter. So commits that just change format happen, but sometimes they're actually someone's code that they commited unformatted (because usually, a project should have consistent code formatting).
  • 0
    @Midnight-shcode yield break instead of yieald return null?
  • 2
    So I have opposite - my fingers just refuse to type straight 'sth' quotes, instead it's allways "sth"

    Also whenever I write SQL, even though for MariaDB these are optional ` I just allways use it, so I end up with like
    $pdo->prepare("SELECT `something` FROM `table`");
    Also, I refuse to accept existance of lower-case SQL and I refuse doing non-prepared statement queries.

    Also often instead of isset() I use !empty() but to do so you must be aware of potential pitfalls.

    Other than that, you will never, ever under any case see me use snake case

    And other than that I refuse to use space as indents. Tabs with 4 width. That's one hell of heated debate about that but most people seem to use spaces. Im not one of them.
  • 1
    @KDSBest possibly, tbh i don't know the difference (except by what your question suggested it is)
  • 3
    @Midnight-shcode yield return null will keep the coroutine running but waits for 1 frame. Yield break stopps the whole coroutine.
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