Wow, traveling by ICE (German long distance trains) and one of them is running late.
What a fucking surprise.

  • 5
    Ah yes, indeed, the Deutsche Bahn.

    Always fantastic service.
  • 8
    As a German it's not even rant-worthy if a train is running late... I'm already happy if the train is just running late and not getting cancelled ^^
  • 1
    "Senk ju for trävveling wiz deutsche bahn"
  • 4
    "What's your approach for a better environment?"
    DB: "Well let's just overpaint the red stripes on our ICEs with green ones"

    Ladies and Gentlemen, that's the Deutsche Bahn...
  • 1
    At first I thought you were ranting about them being on time for once
  • 1
    @devbf Random moin, and you're kind of right tho it still gets me fuming when I have to wait like half an hour for a train.
  • 0
    This time, it wasn't actually DBs fault.
    They had to reroute trains because of an accident on the regular track.
    But they wasted quite some time waiting instead of just rerouting us immediately.
  • 2
    @Ranchu yeah it's like "the train will have a 5 minute delay". After 15 minutes it's a 10 min delay, after 20 min a 15 min delay and so on until all your hope gets destroyed by "this train will terminate at your station" because it's already so fucking late that they will just change the train number to the next train so that the next train will arrive on time... Such a mess with the DB
  • 3
    Just be glad you're not traveling by ICE in the u.s. ☺️
  • 0
    @SortOfTested are the train connections in the US more reliable? I visited the US (NYC) once, and the metro was quite on time if I remember correctly ^^
  • 1
    This was not the I.C.E I was expecting, but cone to Australia, if the trains aren't running late or being cancelled 2-3 in a row, you're in the wrong country.
  • 1

    Subways are much easier to manage than trains, as they drive slower & closer together, and do not intersect with other traffic.

    Trains are subject to delays almost everywhere on the planet, apart from Japanese high speed trains which are purposely built on isolated tracks.

    Still not as bad as the shit you have to deal with at airports and in airplanes though, being fondled by security, waiting in a germ-infested metal tube while it waits for a lane.

    Or coach buses with smelly drivers who smash your bag into a hold. Or even cars. Fuck traffic jams and clouds of exhaust creeping through the windows.

    You know what... I actually like trains.

    Easy check-in. Smooth ride. Safer than biking. Plenty of time to read a book.
  • 0
    Depends on where you are. Our geography is massive so train travel is unpopular.

    It was mostly a joke referencing our "ICE" is law enforcement arm of immigration and nationalization. ☺️
  • 0
    @bittersweet yeah I love travelling by train, too. But if you regularly have to wait in the freezing cold because your train has a delay, it's not that awesome anymore
  • 0
    @SortOfTested ah okay didn't know that ^^
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