
I hate this stupid git, said by my colleague who really don't understand how to use it properly.
They always fuck up merges, forgets to commit and loose changes and fails terribly in resolving conflicts.

Yeah! Git is not stupid my dear. It is you who is stupid.

  • 1
    Git is hard, Git is love, Git will save your life.
  • 0
    Will Visual Source Safe work for them?
  • 0
    Really, because I'd define a giant piece of spaghetti-code, written in 5 (I kid you not) different languages as stupid.
    Its useful for sure, but in the same amount as its stupid.
  • 0
    It's fine if you know how to use it. It can be really difficult to understand the full reasoning behind something, especially if a gui is used.
  • 0
    You fucked up git reset :)
  • 0
    Well, you both should resolve that problem and merge opinions. :D
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