
Stay safe all my other Aussie Dev friends currently getting pelted with all the storms in the east...

(Yes we are still on fire for anyone who isn't Aussie)

  • 2
    @Jilano en route mate, got a 30 pack of tinnies and 30 pack of winny blues
  • 4
    You guys are riding west? Damn, now I got to clean up the bunker from the last bois night.
  • 2
    @C0D4 nah no need, we will just make it worse either way
  • 3
    @lxmcf 🤔@rutee07 did... well... things...
  • 2
    @C0D4 wait rutee is an Aussie? Maaaaaaaaaaaaate
  • 3
    @lxmcf 🤷‍♂️he was one of those illegal boat folk last time. Not sure if he staid.
  • 2
    @C0D4 oh no, don't tell Tony Abbott
  • 3
    Nah come down to the south with me
  • 1
    @terraria99 we will make a stop and you can come with us
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    @lxmcf sounds like a plan
  • 0
    What did y'all do to piss of mother nature?
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    @Jilano we have no seasons anymore.

    It's gonna be almost 20°C today and drop to about 4 or 5 by Friday.

    Pisses me off lol
  • 1
    Da fuck is wrong with the storms this year?
    We had 4 storms so far this year here in Ireland. It’s mid February.. that’s more than 2 a month..

    They weren’t that bad though, at least not in the midlands. Apparently it mainly fucked the west coast.
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