
Don't you just love it when you're pitching new project ideas and there's always that one negative person that has to find something to complain about?

They literally said to me "But what if the user runs out of battery? that will make the application useless for them"

At this point it just feels like this person is turning down every idea for the sake of turning them down.

  • 19
    Yeah, but what if the user dies? Then the app is useless...
  • 7
    You’re right, we should look at how other apps like WhatsApp solve this... oh wait, they don’t BECAUSE ITS FUCKING STUPID
  • 3
    I get edge cases, and I advocate for them within reason, but "let's not as if their phone is fucked into a lake they can't use the app" is fucking ridiculous.

    (We support spaces in tags, by the way.)
  • 5
    "You bloody think? No, don't answer that. You don't."

    > Hey! What kind of ...

    "Running out of battery.... Did your brain run out of battery too, Mike? Because that was the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say."
  • 1
    We are going to need a new scale of dumb fuckerness for this one
  • 0
    If the user runs out of battery... yeah, no problem, we'll add a recharge feature.
  • 1
    I've had this before with a Mr. favorite-who-decides-everything-even-though-he's-just-a-developer. Every suggestion from the team would be turned down and only his word was golden.

    In this case though, I think he might mean that an application should terminate gracefully (or not). If the battery dies, should the session be passivated and activated etc.
  • 3
    I have been formulating a screen play in my head about a tech company and the issues they face. This battery "issue" is so golden and is the type of shit that runs though my fictional situations. ++ for sharing.
  • 1
    "Actually, we're going to design this app in an innovative way that means it'll still work after the phone is charged again."

    Tbh, say the above seriously, and he sounds stupid enough that he'd buy it as an awesome feature. If not, throw some buzzwords in there somewhere like "synergy" and "rockstar Devs" and he'll be hooked.
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