Does this actually explain anything to anyone?

  • 14
    Opening the shell is a bad idea because the facehugger will jump out. Better use a GUI.
  • 4
    Yes it does. Shell is the layer built to interact with the kernel - you cannot do that directly from the terminal [with a few exceptions, like magic keys]. Through shell you can reach the core
  • 4
    @netikras Help me understand: Does a pistachio shell give directions to the nut?
  • 2
    @sheriffderek yes. Pistachio shell is a layer preventing your direct interaction with the nut. But if you want to crush the nut you'll have to do it through the shell.
  • 4
    You have to open the shell to get to the kernel..???

    It’s like one of those explanations you get in school, they don’t make any sense. Only the ones who already understand the topic can understand it.
  • 1
    Not sure if serious or dirty minded
  • 1
  • 1
    Totally not on topic: I did a London App Brewery Swift course a couple years ago. Good programs imo.
  • 0
    Crack the shell and get access to the kernel.
  • 0
    @netikras Ok. So - if I get a hammer out - and crush the nut - and break the shell off - I can eat the kernel? Is that like an API? ; )
  • 1
    @wannabe Tell me more! What did you study there? What part of the industry do you work in now?
  • 0
    @sheriffderek In iOS swift 4 dev. I work in devops now. I went on a Udemy spree after University exams one year.
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