
Way too much stuff is having a Y2K type date error in 2020! So frustrating that people did not even think 10 years ahead. All this stuff is solved already and not implementing it well is just lazy.

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    Robinhood user?
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    @sodaTab I guess he is robin hood user considering the timing.
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    @sodaTab I’m aware of the Robinhood thing, but my apps (I inherited) are having their own issues.
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    No, no, no, you misunderstand.

    Two words:



    After ten years noone understands the system and so you can now charge ten times as much as you did last time.

    Rinse and repeat in ten more years, charging a hundred times as much as the first fix.
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    @Wisecrack except they left the job, went on to other things, left no paper trail, and didn’t magically remember to come fix their problem 10 years later 😂
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    Maybe they don't care about the project anymore.Stress and time pressure does that to you.I know the developer who said his system will crash in 3 year.Due to his manager telling him to finish the project quickly, he implements some hack to deliver the project quickly. After the project have been deliver, he notice his mistake but it's too late to fix it now.
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