That feel when you’re asked to share work you’re proud of and you’re not proud of anything.

Or rather, you are... but they’re programs written in C/C++ and you’re interviewing for a mostly frontend gig in React.

  • 16
    Or... All your work is proprietary and you never had time for open source projects...
  • 2
    Experience in one area can transfer to others, it's at least better than nothing
    A good dev can basically handle anything if they put in the effort, especially if you know computer systems properly.
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    Couple years ago, I interviewed for Asp.net mvc with minimum knowledge and I was having most of my experience in PHP. Still got the job.
  • 0
    If you're aiming for a frontend job, you should have a website anyway - even if it's just for presenting your C/C++ projects. Sure, there's Github, but nobody will sift through Github deserts anyway.
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    I literally heard the sound when I saw this pic
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    @Fast-Nop Oh, I have one. It’s just... built with html and css. Not exactly representative of my ability to write JavaScript or React.
  • 1
    This character reminds me of JoJo's bizzare adventure
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    Binged with the family.

    Always ridiculous taken to the max.
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    @Ranchu Wut, how is it related ? Even as a "filthy Jojo's fan who sees references everywhere", I really have trouble seeing what you're talking about
  • 1
    @CodeTalker The gold, The purple, white skin.

    I just have a thing for referencing weird stuff to other weird stuff.
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