
Just failed my 13th coding interview.

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    Dude, spend some time exercising before applying for the next job
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    P r a c t i c e.

    Also, whiteboarding isn't a coding interview. it's a failure. especially when it's on a literal whiteboard.
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    What were the assignments/questions? 🤔
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    Do not give up, pratice the hell out of it. Keep failing an keep trying, ask for hard and honest feedback. Hear, listen, read and pick that feedback up. Adjust your strategy. Be painfully honest. I belief people that fail and do not give up, are the ones that will have the passion, determination and even the talent that is needed. 💪
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    Because of what reason? Hilariously difficult, niche and unrealistic coding interview questions or because you got lazy after graduation?
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    Fail more. Learn More. You will understand the difference when you end up in a job and have to deal with senior morons.
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    14th time's the charm
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