Working with someone who just learned Git.
Woke up this morning to 200 .DS_Store files on master.

  • 5
    I guess the guide didn’t talk about .gitignore file😄
  • 1
    @code-god or pull requests
  • 6
    Ah the famous Mac user learning git routine 😂
  • 0
    Now you get to teach him about both ignoring files, and rewriting commit history!
  • 3
    .DS_Store files are a WTF in themselves.
  • 0
    lol mac
  • 5
    And then you should restrict pushing to master and only authorize merge from dev.
  • 5
    In "master"? Then someone else made a mistake. Can't have the code of a person just learning git, just like that in master without a review.
  • 1
    @gopher Depends on the project and learning curve. Critical project, absolutely. But side project where there's one or two people working on it, and it's deliberately meant as a "let's keep Git as simple as possible" project - totally appropriate to forgo branches and commit to master.
  • 7
    @AlmondSauce if there’s enough folders for 200 .DS_Store files, I would say it’s time to add some basic restrictions for version control.
  • 1
    @123username that's a fair point!
  • 0
    @gopher I wasn't aware that he was new to Git until the situation happened. Guess I should watch out in the future.
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