I think my manager has this false impression that just because we are working from home, we suddenly are gifted with lot of free time.

In my experience, the work life is horrible like this. I have not seen much day light in the last 2 weeks.

I don't know how long i can stay sane like this.

  • 6
    Try and get some sun and exercise. According to a survey I read the morale is generally low at this point of time
  • 1
    Read a classical novel.
  • 8
    Don't read classic novels.
  • 3
    @NoMad okay , Write a classical novel.
  • 3
    @MonteKont 🤔 that can be useful. I'd assume another War and Peace could be written in such times.
  • 1
    @NoMad , it is in bag.
  • 3
    @MonteKont ahhh a turkish version.

    Yes, it's big, but it also took him a long long time to write it.
  • 1
    @NoMad , Sometimes classic novels like this are good for the soul of a person. I would recommend joking aside.(Dont say "We are programmers , not a person" ) :)
  • 4
    @MonteKont most Russian classics are depressing imho
  • 3
    @MonteKont I've actually started 1Q94 recently. Despite that I have liked Murakami's works before, I really did not enjoy this one.
    I even tried 4 3 2 1 by Auster. I loved his previous works, but this homestay makes me not want to read at all. (ofc, both books are now midway and I'm in no mood to finish them)
  • 1
    @NoMad oh , i understand . Hmm . Another options.. You live in "somewhere". Is there a coronavirus ? :)
  • 3
    @MonteKont yes. I'm feeling probably worse than the OP. 🙃 (click on username for more rants)
  • 2
    @NoMad yes. i am following you , what the duck :)
  • 1
    Don't you have a balcony or even a window?
  • 1
    WFH should mean that you have your commute time free, not that you can work more
  • 3
    Your manager might be projecting his own free time upon you.
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