What does your Linux distro say about you...

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    What is chaotic good and lawful evil?
  • 1
    I don't see the pattern. What makes a distribution evil and what chaotic?
    Gentoo for example seems to follow pretty consistent rules, has council meetings and a quite bureaucratic maintainer base.
    And i did not had the impression, that Arch itself, its user base, or its maintainers are evil.
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    In Dungeons & Dragons (where that system seems to come from), lawfullness and goodness are combined to get a being's alignment.
    "lawfull", "neutral", and "chaotic" mean, that the being abides by some ruleset strictly, abides by some ruleset somewhat, or does not care about rules.
    "good", "neutral", and "evil" indicate, whether the being is altruistic, neutral, or is okay with harming others to get what it wants.
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    @Oktokolo no I meant what are the distros lmfao
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    Chaotic good is Gentoo and Lawful evil is Void.
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    Fedora, Mint, Gentoo,
    Debian, Ubuntu, Manjaro,
    Void, Arch
  • 1
    I didn't believe its real
    But it is:
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    Montana linux 🤣
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    What about zorin?
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