Just asking for an opinion, I'm gonna do a project. Which one would you guys recommend MEAN or Ruby on Rails? I just want to do this project for fun and as a side project I know somewhat node js but RoR seems fun so what will you guys recommend??

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    If you are looking for an enjoyable coding experience I'd say use Django.
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    But what really matters is what you're comfortable with...
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    @Treighton Django isn't automated and fast as rails. And I don't think I want to use python for this reason. I recently helped a friend on his python project so I am looking for slight change.
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    don't like django? "pleaseee use brainfuck language.
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    @NotNihan I am just asking for an opinion between RoR or MEAN. If you happen to be a fan of either one.
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    i would take MEAN
    mainly because i only used Ruby in a programming class, ans practicing js would help me later.
  • 1
    I would prefer RoR over MEAN any time of the day. However, MEAN is probably going to be a more valuable learning experience. If you're just looking for fun and productivity go for RoR
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    @iubbye Thanks for the suggestion.
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