
Soooo what would be wrong for a developer to aim for a partner in a similar profession or the same?
I had my fair share of exp now and must say that i really love what i do and am really into learning and developing and applying all that I learn. I missed that drive in the dates that I had. I feel passion, purpose and understanding with what we as devs deal all day would be really helpful for a prolonged relationship. I dont wanna go for a power coupling but it would be nice to have ur partner on board no??

  • 3
    All my husbands have been engineers, it's a mixed bag. It's good for the relationship, but don't work with your spouse if you don't have 100% compatibility on both sides of the fence.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested Thats true. One needs to have is own soace in work as well as private life.
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