
I'm never going back to Google Cloud, AWS is the shit.

I'm fucking orgasming with how organized everything is, decent documentation, level of configurability, the integration of one service with another.

Just wow

  • 13
    Awaits the "fuck aws and it's vague documentation" rant.

    No, no, it will happen, you'll will slip into a area that becomes undocumented at some point.
  • 3
    It's definitely the best cloud out there.
  • 2
    Probably one of the sections I was responsible for 😘
  • 3
    @SortOfTested 👀 was that a job reveal?
  • 6
    Yes! A few dozen "former AWS here"s ago 😋
  • 2
    How’s your experience been with Azure ? My company has tie up with Microsoft, so I might have to use it one day.
  • 0
    @srpatil I have never used it so I can't say anything about it :/

    You should make a question here on DevRant about that tho
  • 0
    @C0D4 yeah, that's inevitable. Hopefully it'll take some time until I find myself in that situation
  • 0
    @srpatil so far pretty OK
  • 2
    @SortOfTested unless you work with the Ruby SDK.🥺

    the api reference is like... non existent outside of ripping apart the github repo.

    Many of times i have found myself inside the PHP SDK to find things.
  • 2
    All the non-java sdks are programmatically generated based on metadata.
  • 0
    Hows the price compared to firestore?
  • 0
    Slightly higher with documents, but it's more capable. You also have options like mongodb atlas or self hosting.
  • 0
    Interesting! Learning curve?
  • 0
    @klutch a bit steeper, but the docs are nicer. I haven't tinkered with DynamoDB yet, but if you're looking for a Cloud Functions alternative, AWS' Lambda is way better and more configurable.
  • 1
    Documentdb's pricing depends on how you use it, but it's mongodb api + a bunch of other things. I'm not fond of consuming specialty dbs personally, I'll stick with RDS and atlas so I have the option to easily migrate.
  • 2
    @C0D4 and it will be something really annoying, we had one bug where we have everything in EU-west one and some requests were taking 8 seconds to reply. Turns out tarrif was hitting other EU regions finding nothing and then having to check the others.

    Took our dev ops guy a whole do and some old post on aws forums.

    Other things that piss me off.

    1. Ecs only let's you scale on average CPU and memory so how do you catch spikes because

    2. If your CPU hits 100% it will kill your container.

    3. When aws generates keys with commas ',' in them and then serverless combines a few keys into and string and splits on ',' and throws an error that it expected 5 parameters but got 6.

    I'm Not sure who to blame for this one though.
  • 2
    Haha, just read your newest rant. @C0D4 saw it coming :D
  • 1
  • 3
    @nitwhiz it was only a matter of time, although I didn't expected it to happen that quickly.
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