C++ is the building blocks for many high-level programming languages, and since 1984 its first appearance in the markets the C++ core committee developers have introduced its 4 new versions which are C++03 (ISO/IEC 14882:2003 second edition), C++11 (third edition), C++14 (fourth edition) and C++17 is the fifth edition. With each new version, developers introduced new features, libraries and APIs in it.

C++ introduced as the extension of C programming language which made C++ as a compiled programming language, which means the developer required a C++ compiler to translate the C++ code to its equivalent machine or byte language, so the Operating system of the computer can execute the program.

There are various C++ compilers in the market and most of them are open source and free to use, however conventionally when we say C++ compiler, we basically talk about GCC which stands for GNU Compiler Collection.

What is GCC?

GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collection, and it is a collection of programming compilers which induce C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, and some versions of Java. The first version of GCC introduced in 1987 and it was also known as GNU C compiler which became the standard compiler for C programming language, in that same year GCC also provided Compiler support for the C++ programming language.

Now GCC has various versions and each version give specific support for C++ versions, by now if we look at all the versions of GCC, we have a stable GCC for every version of C++, but there are some exceptions with C++11.


C++11 introduced as the 2nd update version of C++, it suffixes 11 because it released in 2011 or because on August 12, 2011, ISO gives official approval to it. Formally C++11 known as C++0X because developers were expecting the new update released in 2010, but with its release in 2011, the core committee developer of C++ changed its name by C++0X to C++11.

C++ 11 replaced the old version of C++03, and it also brings many new features for the C++ developers. The main aim of designing C++11 to stabilize and maintain the backward compatibility of new C++ version with the C+98 and C programming language and that’s become the main reason why core committee developers only introduced new features in the old standard library rather than extending the core language.


GCC does not give Full Support to C++11:

GCC version GCC 4.8.1 purpose the first feature-complete implementation of the C++11 standard, however, the 4.8 and 4.7 does not give the full support for the C++11. The current version of GCC provides the major support for all the standard features of C++11 but if you are using the GCC 4.8 or 4.7 versions then your GCC only provide you with the experimental support for the C++11.

To use the Experimental support of GCC you need to enable it first before you compile or run you C++ 11 version code.

use code std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 to enable the experimental support for C++11.

  • 5
    Did you booze paint thinner, or are you just stupid?
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop someone went looking for dev.to or medium and ended up down the wrong road by the looks of things.
  • 1
    To be fair, this post is miles ahead from what you will usually find in "recents".
  • 3
    When did I ask?
  • 1
    @Creep good point.
  • 1
    Maybe it's his/hers essay about C/++?
  • 4
    Why do people upvote this shit?
  • 0
    I don't "--" because there's no category for this but I seriously think that it shouldn't be here and you didn't read posts before writing.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop Can you please tell me that, Why I am stupid?
  • 0
    @C0D4 Not getting your points
  • 0
    @Lor-inc Now I will take care of these points before writing.
  • 0
    @Ranchu No it is not an essay, It is an information about "Why c++ compiler does not support c++11?"
  • 1
    @vijaytechauthor I suggest that you read a bit on forums before writing something, such that your content won't meet unexpected resistance. In this case the problem is probably that the users of Devrant read a lot of blogs in search of solutions to their problems, and therefore they associate massive hunks of broken English with a lot of bad feelings. That's why even though this was almost an interesting read despite the complete lack of examples (as in specific features that gcc doesn't support), I still felt anger and discontent after finishing it.
  • 0
    @vijaytechauthor Because it's 2020, and GCC 4.8.0 was released in fucking 2013. The current GCC version is 9.3 and has already C++14 as default standard!
  • 0
    @Lor-inc Yeah, "me love you long time"-English usually indicates crappy content - except when it comes from Russians.
  • 2
    @vijaytechauthor this is the kind of wall of text I would expect from those sites, I did read it and although I'm no C++ dev, I don't see how anyone would benefit from a "what's a language" post - I could be wrong, someone around here may have learnt something.

    I don't follow bloggers because they are almost always misleading and inaccurate, so stumbling on a wall of text like this here, I just skimmed over it and automatically shoved you into the spammer basket.
  • 0
    @vijaytechauthor okay? What did you post it for?
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