We should bring back the death sentence by hanging for those fucking retards who show their software update notifications as fucking popups after I start the program. No, notepad++, I don't give a fuck about your update. Fuck you FileZilla, I'm on a hurry, stop shoving your almost full screen update window in my face. Oh and the visual studio installer. Don't even get me started on the visual studio installer.

Would it be too difficult to show the update notification on the bottom of the window on the status bar? Maybe with a higher contrast color so it's more noticeable?

  • 2
    That means that you do not maintain your own dev environment.
    Notepad++ : It’s a simple yes/no pop up. Don’t like it ? Disable auto updates. Settings -> Preferences -> Misc -> and deselect "Enable Notepad++ auto-updater"
    FileZilla : Can’t comment, I don’t use it
    Visual studio : Since 2019 I NEVER had a pop up “Update” but exactly as you said a notification on the status bar.

    Personally I take about 1 hour a week and check on my software.
  • 2
    A popup you can disable is better than a notification that will haunt you forever.
  • 1
    VisualStudio show a high contrast flag in the top of the window whenever there’s an update...
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    @NoToJavaScript @HughRant I'm talking about the visual studio installer. That separate program that lets you manage components in VS. Every time I open it there is a new update, and it's not even a popup, it forces me to update and restart the program.
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    @SparkyTD Well, yes. And it's perfectly fine. And it's fast : 15 to 30 seconds
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    imagine not keeping your software up to date and then complaining about security in prod
  • 1
    @Parzi I am keeping my software up to date. My memory is pretty bad nowadays, but somehow I don't remember complaining about security.

    I am complaining about the front-end UI design decisions. I didn't even mention security. Not sure where you pulled that one out from.
  • 0
    @SparkyTD i'm speaking generally, most people here work at jobs involving programming.
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    @Parzi ”We’re interupting this broadcast to deliver you unsolicited and general information that pertains to everyone. Thank you for your time and patience. Carry on.”
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