Java or Python? :D I work with both but just curious.

  • 4
    Sandwich or soup. They're better together.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested this rule doesn't apply to languages tho :)
  • 2
    @SortOfTested yeah just run python snippets in your java application. Nothing tastes better.
  • 0
    Iono, my services would suck without the python lambda glue.
  • 4
  • 2
    Python is better for scripting, prototypes, and smaller applications or teams.
    Java is better for big projects and teams.
  • 3
    Why not both? I use both 🤷‍♂️
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    Under rhino, of course. Graalvm is for the weak.
  • 1
    both languages have their use cases, so why not both?
  • 0
    Fuck Maximo. Antique shit ran on nashorn 4 years after they updated the engine.
  • 0
    It's such shit. Most Maximo devs seem to think that there's magic in the script and it was miraculous when I updated their code with methods they didn't even know existed. They never make the connection it's just java classes under the hood and it's the same fucking API in their beloved EAR.

    Not to mention ObjectStructure is an absolute clusterfuck, and it uses an antique copy pasta of the JsonArray API for anything that needs to be serialized. Fuuuuuuck.
  • 0
    It's getting wider here, but definitely not bigger. It's making the rounds as the easy button cure for whatever your aging work order system is, and failing at that.

    The latest API deprecation is going to rain shit on anyone integrating with it. It's introducing a full HATEOAS compliant endpoint strategy, so what was previously 1 call for n records will now be n^c where c is the number of hierarchical descendents you have to query. While not a bad idea, it'll be a total disaster for the class of org that uses it because all their existing integrations leverage the deep query API.
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    I can only surmise that 99% of IBM's business is from people whose fetish is being condescended to by a 23 year old FOB who won a visa lottery.

    It's basically the golden age for that shit.
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