What do you do when your team of developers are extremely slow at development??

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    Help them. Train them. Invest in them.

    If that doesn't work, replace developers or adjust your expectations.
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    Is it they are slow, or are the deadlines to short?

    Are you doing sprint retrospectives to bring up why things are going slow and how to action these issues?
    Are you offering support to increase efficiency?

    So many questions arise in such a question.
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    The milestones might be too far from each other that people lax off until the deadline? Milestones could be broken down more into deliverables that are near each other? Some might be motivated to work when there is a person acting like a lead who gets informal updates on like a bi-weekl checks?
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    @gronostaj they get all the help they need. There are 3 senior devs dedicated to helping them.
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    @C0D4 deadlines were short at first but they just kept getting increased. A 2 weeks sprint becomes a 4 weeks sprint. Done a retro after each sprint and devs swear nothing is wrong and they just have learning curve. They receive resources to ease the learning curve yet its either they push buggy code or it takes one DEV forever to complete a feature.
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    @iamai we have daily stand-up to ascertain each devs workload and issues in development. They always have one show stopper or not. We advice them to reach out to senior dev soon as a blocker exceeds 2 hours without resolution. Its helping but development is still slow. Gone over a 2 weeks sprint by 3 weeks now. I feel like they have other jobs they are prioritising.
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    @witchDev Im usually one of the most responsive devs in the company (finish up tasks really fast) but sometimes i get a task that should take a week that ends up taking two months...

    that is usually when I did not want to get assigned this task because i believe there are other tasks that deserve my attention

    or im just not in the mood to work right now and somethings on my mind. It happens to all of us

    try switching tasks between them see if anything changes if not give them a week off each that should do the trick.
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    I usually hulk-smash them.
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    @witchDev if they are juggling other projects or devs they might be overworked or getting pressure from some other higher-up because that projects is top priority somehow? A 10 minute 1:1 might be needed to understand the bottleneck?
    If estimates are shifting it might be best to have a sit down with the senior devs and junior devs involved to reassess a more feasible timeline or divide the tasks among them? You could also explore the option to set a "war room" meeting perhaps so all devs and seniors are in one room focused on doing the work for a specific development/project only?
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    @witchDev one of the founding principles of scrum is that you never extend a sprint, you always drop work to the next sprint. You then have your retrospective after that 2 week window, and use that to adjust your expectations for the sprint the next time around.

    That should mean you're setting expectations correctly for the next sprint after the current one, even if that means you're then going slower than you'd like.
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    @AlmondSauce great insight. Will definitely use this for the next sprint. Thanks
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    @witchDev What AlmondSauce said. Over time team learns how much work can be done in a sprint, so appropriate amount of work can be planned and delivered on time in the next one. Stretching sprints makes this impossible, making them useless.
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