
Just discovered a terminal replacement for windows... And its fine as hell.
It's called cmder and it's got tons and I mean TONS of options to make it perfect for you!

  • 5
    Been using that for a couple months now. It's the best replacement terminal for Windows I've seen
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    @digital216 definitely! Conemu was nice, but this just adds a new layer of comfiness on top
  • 1
    I'm so getting that!!
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    We swear by it at work, as windows devs who work a lot with git and other bash command line tools.
  • 3
    Any better than using Cygwin?
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    been using it for quite a while now and it's become an absolute must install for me, also gotta love the little λ as a prompt
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    People still use cmd????? Come on it's 2016 ffs, replace that shit with powershell. Also try ConEmu for a cool terminal experience. It also has tabs and support for multiple shells/wtv
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    @Mayhem93 this is based on conemu, with some extra cool features!
    I also have powershell set as my default, but I don't really use any of the powershell feature...
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    @carlos I haven't used that myself but you might be able to integrate cygwin into cmder.
    Have you tried the windows Linux sub system?
  • 0
    ok, I need help than. I've been using it for a couple of month, but I can't figure out smth. I've got the habit to open certain dir in terminal by typing cmd in the url of the folder, but I can't set up cmder to open instead of cmd. I tried to figure it out but nothing seems to be working. Any idea how can I solve it ?
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    @aamitkov somewhere in the options you can force cmder as default terminal. It works okayish.
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    @wsloth Yes I tried this but it not working always.
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    @aamitkov afraid I can't help you then... Use shift right click next time to open a terminal?
    Add it to the context menu as well for easy access
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    If anybody else have strange issues with cmder, I had too and installed conemu and clink separately which works great.
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    Windows? What's Windows?
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    @Torntech it IS a checkbox ("use ctrl keys") in the cmd properties in win10 http://howtogeek.com/wp-content/... but in cmder it is enabled by default I think
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    A friend of mine discovered it a couple of years ago, and we've all been using his fork ever since: https://github.com/AlvarBer/...
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    in settings find search / tasks and delete :d:%USERPROFILE% (so you should just have -new_console) from your default task ({cmd::Cmder} for me)

    I also have a little script on my PATH cr.bat with:
    C:\cmder\Cmder.exe /single

    if you use this script from the path bar it forces new consoles to open as new tabs in the same instance starting in the directory you are in currently

    hope this helps
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    Im not really a dev on Windows, but lately ive been trying out Linux bash for Windows. And im quite pleased
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    Loved ConEmu, and loving this even more. Great tool to have close by. Go for the full version with linux bits, you won't regret it.
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