It really irks me when I see 'web developers' and 'front-end developers' write CSS like a bunch of first-timers. Not considering hierarchy, specificity or even following a proper naming convention (who the fuck mixes camel case AND lowercase for class names?!) It's worse when you already have Sass or SCSS and they still write their style rules WITHOUT PROPER NESTING or keep using !important like it was a goddamn semicolon.

This is fucking basic shit for a web or front-end developer, and God help you if I ever conduct your technical interview and decide to ask you on a whim to write an Angular app WITHOUT USING BULLSHIT SYSTEMS LIKE CLARITY, ANGULAR MATERIAL OR BOOTSTRAP for your UI. But if you can explain to me the pros and cons between using CSS grid and flex, I'll be fucking impressed.

I wish these 'UI experts' I keep encountering would learn to build an optimal static site without a fucking framework or build manager before doing advanced shit, for the love of Jeebus.

  • 9
    CSS grid is the new table and flex is the new float. :P
    And the only JS framework i have experience in is vanilla JS.
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    🍿 🍺 🎥
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    It's been years since I didn't write a single line of CSS (and I'm clearly not a UI expert), but I've never heared about that "grid" thing. Is that new ? Is that widely supported ? Is that the holy grail I was needing when I was disgusted of CSS and the meaningless complexity needed for basic stuff ?
  • 2
    It's the copy and paste culture. Devs don't seem to take the time to really learn things anymore, they just see bootstrap and copy paste each bit in. Many don't seem to have any idea about how to structure a project or come up with an original idea - just copy paste, copy paste.

    I have actually been told off for not using bootstrap and using CSS grid etc because the other devs are used to seeing spaghetti bootstrap classes in their HTML and don't know how to do CSS/SCSS, that's why you end up with $blue: #aa0000;
  • 3
    We had BEM with SCSS on project, so I started new component, added partial import to main.scss and started nesting like btn{ &__primary{} &__secondary{}} but it was no-no-no-no-no you have to use BEM like btn__primary{} btn__secondary{}. I said doesn't make sense it is not DRY, so I was supposed to write just btn{} block class and extend it in each one of the element classes! WTF dudes, WTF!!!

    And one of them was praised as CSS god in the community, WTF is going on!
  • 2
    @lemonthinking knowledge is power and their moves are weak!
  • 2
    @devJs the lack of DRY code is exactly what I mean about copy-paste culture. I've seen so many functions in my current place that are the same function copy pasted with just one line changed.

    Yesterday I saw a "senior" dev had copy pasted a c# class and didn't change anything other than the name to make it match the database he was connecting to... The same class... Copy-pasted... Changed the name... Almost as if he thinks it has to have the same name as the database to work?
  • 1
    I feel for you dude, I have the same!
  • 3
    @lemonthinking haha whaaaaat? Maybe he is a senior by age, I heard about seniors like that. 10+ years in industry, still uses webforms and everything that is modern and new is unknown to them!
  • 1
    @devJs oh that's normal, those people don't see past the things they know
  • 3
    @devJs you don't know how spot-on you are! He's been in this company for about 10 years (is later middle-aged) and is still working on webforms in his project! Wow top marks for you!
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    @lemonthinking i mentioned it as i had one colleague like that, it was funny when he got angular project (at the time angular was hot new framework) and he was completely lost, didn't tried to watch tutorials or read a book at all, he occasionally tried to read ng-docs and constantly saying: 'omg, i don't get it!'!

    In the end he talked to boss and just managed the project as PM delegating tasks to newbies/juniors, which was best move for him and for the company.
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