Github are cunts...

  • 1
    Since MS or before?
  • 10
    @PonySlaystation since today when I found out they're being a bunch of tampons and ditching the slave-master terminology incase it causes offence... Like fuck off! it has nothing to do with slave trade and certainly fuck all to do with race.
  • 3
    As good as I am working with vague requirements, I'm sure you're missing some details here.

    Be free and rant!
  • 4
    Now spoonerize that statement.
  • 6
    @raging-coder101 imagine working on the linux kernel then 😄
    SJWs everywhere
  • 9
    If they removed slave/master terminology I'd understand it. Yes, it's troublesome to change and unprecedented to care so much about clean language, but it's also unprecedented to learn of all major tragedies in the world within minutes, and the society of the information age will be whatever we make of it.

    But there's no slave here, only master. This isn't the word they set out to remove. This isn't about feelings anymore, because master isn't generally associated with slavery.

    This is about trying to calm the masses down with any tool available before they could actually start reforming.
  • 4
    Shit, here we're just waiting to finish paying off our undergrads 😝
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    @PonySlaystation I feel for Linus torvalds
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    Github have always been a bunch of SJW assholes. Here's their anti-white racism cloaked as "diversity" from 2016:


    It's the main reason why I'm not on GH. I don't feel welcome there because of my race. I had hoped that MS would clean up the pigpen, but it seems they didn't.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop Hope your aren't on Gitlab. I heard they are jumping onboard the rename bandwagon.
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    @Fast-Nop the sjw era is a sad one, I genuinely am seeing more and more a very anti straight, white male rhetoric throughout society these days... I think where diversity is important, its also killing industries, people are being picked for jobs based on the colour of their skin, or their gender, above their ability to do the fucking job... Probably a reason why every windows update fucks something up, or you need to download a multi gigabyte update to play a game you've just paid £50 for... I'd actually love to see an official study into some of this stuff to see if my hypothesis bares some truth.
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    @bhouston I'm not using any of these and host my stuff on my own webspace instead. That has the additional advantage that I don't depend on "free" hosting.
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    @raging-coder101 It's especially bad in the US, and particularly in the leftist mental asylum of California (where many tech companies are). Luckily, I'm not in the US.
  • 3
    Nice! I have been working towards something similar for a while now. Still trying to beef up my home lab to make it happen though.
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    I unfollowed a bunch of tech celebrities in twitter because of this recent sjw bs.
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    @raging-coder101 Unfortunately they have no choice, most people are ignorant and are currently hunting for literally any excuse to scream "racism" at whomever they can in order to further propogate they're idea that the entire world is racist somehow. (While ignoring other modern atrocities, ironically)
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    @PlatinumFire Of course they have a choice. Let the morons scream and ignore them.
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    @Fast-Nop As soon as some leftist yokel (I state left because they're the primary cause of these "outrages") who knows nothing about programming screeches on twitter, news outlets jump on it and the companies stock takes a hit.
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    @PlatinumFire If they even can influence the stock market - I don't see that unless the company has no real substance anyway, i.e. is a bubble.
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    @Fast-Nop This my fault for not properly explaining my point.

    There is a knock on effect, in corporate America, brand is law; some paying customers will leave for their brand, some that do will then be asked by the media, the politically correct response would be to "support <x> issue" which puts the service they're leaving in a bad light, and more will leave.

    This could cause a domino effect.

    Better safe than sorry, especially right now where businesses are wobbling everywhere due to the recent economic disruption.
  • 0
    @PlatinumFire The thing is that these morons are a tiny, just very vocal minority. Outside of their Twitter bubble, nobody gives a shit. However, SJW infested companies like Github are in the same echo chamber.
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