That's it that's the rant.

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    I'd rant about it too since the cert expired 😟

    @skayo was this one of yours?
  • 4
    @C0D4 thanks, I hate it
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    Don't worry, IBM fixed XML!


    Read it. I dare you.
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    eXtended Machine Learning xD
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    @Lucky-Loek speaking of which... Recently I've filled the form at government service website, and the only thing they provided to reproduce what I filled is XML. But when we started to revalidate it and I shown it to mom, she was able to find necessary fields without any data science experience. :)
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    If you can’t solve a task with XML, you just need some more XML.
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    @ltlian <unholy><crap/><unholy>!
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    I second this rant in name of all my fellow Android layout/theme/resource developers.

    I really hope that Jetpack Compose completely obsoletes all the need for XML in all Android projects. Coming soon... (Probably stable by the end of 2021 😕)
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    If you think XML is too verbose, wait until you see XACML
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    Invalid syntax, cannot parse xml rant
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    XML is used to store and organise data, as well as to exchange information between systems and organisations and to offload and reload databases.
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