
What books are you reading?

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    This has been slow going. For some reason my brain does not want to ingest/comprehend the subject. It has definitely transformed my approach to programming in the general sense. I still have great suspicion in regards to mutability and performance.
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    I can't read books anymore 😢
    I'm too addicted to my phone that my attention span is that low of a gold fish. 2 pages later there is surely something more interesting on Facebook. I hate it.

    But if i can give you some useful book tipps that i've read despite phone addiction.

    The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You, Book by Julie Zhuo

    The copywriter's handbook, Book by Robert W. Bly

    How to Win Friends and Influence People, Book by Dale Carnegie
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    Ugh, zhuo. I've gotten in internet fights with her trendy bullshit on LinkedIn. She has some very questionable, business-side-centric opinions on engineering that are both wrong and employment hostile.
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    @SortOfTested tiger moma of facebook? ok good to know.
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    The Richest Man in Babylon
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    The Art of the Deal
    Fox in Sox
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    "how to deal with having a huge dick" by Dick Dickinson
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    @Demolishun Won't lie, I'm fascinated knowing there's a book for that! I definitely don't know a lot :p
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    @heyheni Goldfish wow! 😂
    You don't really hate. It is the regret that follows is what you don't like. A guilty pleasure thing going on maybe hahah!

    Making of a manager sounds interesting! Will add to cart :p

    Copywriter's handbook is something everyone should have read in this day, I think.

    Amazon keeps recommending me the last book- "How to win friends..." but I'm not sure if it is actually valuable or just a trendy/gimmicky thing.
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    @WildPotato that tip does work, sure!
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    @SortOfTested LinkedIn. Here we go again. 😂
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    @yellow-dog I'm sure that is a real one
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    @yellow-dog Dang, I need that book. I have issues coping with this.
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    @akshar "How to win friends and influence people" is an old book. It is not a trendy thing, it is wisdom that is still relevant.
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    @Root First one reminds me of a song by Boney M. "By the rivers of Babylon" 🎶 Got off track!🙊

    I just checked a preview of Fox I. Socks! Very fun 😁
    The art of the deal looks interesting too. Adding to carrrt

    I've been into reading since 2 months now and seems like I want to buy all the books I see. I've completed two so far and already have 7 more to read
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    Geheimwaffen Des zweiten Weltkriegs.
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    @Demolishun did not know that! 👀 Old books feel timeless compared to most current ones
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    @Ranchu teach me how to read your thoughts
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    Figure drawing for artists by Steve Huston when I'm pooping

    The brothers karamazov by Fyodor dostoyevsky when I'm bored and want to kill a few minutes in between things during the day

    And it's hard to count it as a book, but I've been listening to the first three dune books as audiobooks while exercising. But holy shit I can't focus on them 80% of the time. They're written too slowly. How is a modern movie going to attempt to make the franchise successful when everyone's attention spans are shorter than a midget with her legs amputated?
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    "Figure drawing for artists by Steve Huston when I'm pooping"

    I hope this is not related to the medium you are using for drawing...
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    @Demolishun My medium is exclusively vomit.
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    @akshar ......sure.
    When and how
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    How to by man all munroe
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    The Master and Margarita
    I read it every 3-4 years since I was 12, every time I interpret it differently.
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