
So I have started to learn JS ! Its been 2 months I dont know what the fuck am I doing and I think I m going to die soon!

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    start solving coding problems in JS, thats the best way to learn any programming language over following a tutorial and coding along.
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    First time I found out about JavaScript and started to code in it was after I installed Evrsoft FirstPage and started tweaking a lot of snippets. There were various pages, including games (like tic-tac-toe, even running ants and catching a fly). It's dirty, but I liked to find things one-by-one, experiment, edit files and see if something else happens. This way, you always know what you are doing with the tool.
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    @ishank-dev Thanks for the tips! Can you refer me some website with easy problems to solve?
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    @vintprox I have made some easy and small projects with it! But it seems like there is no ending! Some times it can get very over whelming!
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    @nahi3an While jumping into Node.js territory, it may be extra exhausting because of dependencies it brings. I don't know what you are trying to do with pure JS to get very overwhelmed, but if you have hard time debugging something, don't hesitate to drop some here. In essense, "no ending" is the state of software development: you'll need to improve and improve and improve, but having certain skills fixed at the time can make switching between projects easier.
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    @nahi3an You can try codewars, I have tried all the platforms but nothing beats it.
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    It's never too late to stop learning js!
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