
If you like looking at language designers fight on Hacker News (and who doesn't?) go ahead and search for the V programming language or Vlang as it is also called and also for the posts that the creator of Odin lang has done in regards to V langs creator.

Its a shitstorm. Apparently both languages have been designed as alternatives to C (not as in "this will kill C!!" like rust does) and occasionally you will find some posts from the Zig language creator.

Fascinating fights actually, have been able to learn a thing or two about why some ideas concerning language design are whacky etc.

I am also trying to understand language design better, which is the main reason why I appreciate all of them fights.

10/10 best drama series I have seen thus far.

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    Sir, do you have a steady supply of popcorn or may I assist you?
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    I’m concerned about all of those new fancy languages. Like I understand young people enthusiasm about something new I can’t understand what problems they want to solve.

    Maybe I’m just old and seeing problems differently then young people. Instead of creating new language and rewriting millions lines of code “cause it’s easier” I challenge myself to understand how to improve existing crap we have.

    I think if we stop worrying about performance for one year it would be beneficial for all of humanity.
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    @PonySlaystation I do, but still, bring em over bro, lets watch the fights together lol
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    @vane see, and I agree 100% with that statement. I don't think there is anything wrong with C and C++ at all, I find them both to be fascinating languages that set the bar for "knowing your shit".

    I don't want to see people going about languages that "will replace C or C++" which is why I from the get go did not get to Rust. I find Rust far too complex and overhyped, I would rather learn proper C++. Similar ideals. But as a basis of experimentation? I dig it.

    I am currently going through 2 books in interpreter and compiler design that use Go as the target, I aim to then port over the ideas to Nim (for which I just got started with Nim in action) because I really truly like the language, some ideas inside of it are very Lispy (I have a heavy background in Lisp) and eventually, when my skillset is good enough I will try them in C++.

    I just love learning, but like you, I would rather have people learn properly how to use a tech stack.
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    If you like that kind of stuff I recommend you introduction to llvm. They implement simple language called kaleidoscope and then make fancy jit. Both rust and swift are llvm frontend.
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    @vane thanks for the tip man! will definitely look into it!
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    @AleCx04 @vane This is a great guide into LLVM backends. Really detailed and with code examples.
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    @Bybit260 awesome link! thanks bro!
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    What books are you reading? I found that people tend to overcomplicate compiler designs just to seem smart, crafting interpreters has really been the only book i enjoyed on the topic.
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    @yellow-dog writing interpreters and compilers in Go by Thorsten Ball. Pretty easy read thus far. I have heard of the one you mentioned, but decided to start here and then going to that one finally and eventually getting to the dragon book
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    a good idea
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