Like, seriously, bruh. Some junior have managed to run Notepad++ that consumed a lot of RAM... on our development server... on CentOS... using Wine.

  • 16
    You know, in some situations it's totally legal to beat someone's with a chair.
  • 4
    There's just nothing like Notepad++ under Linux. No, not even Notepadqq.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop yish, Notepadqq is a rip-off that loads slower than any JetBrains IDE and VSC at times.
  • 5
    The stupid part isn't using notepad++, but running it on the dev-server.

    Also, Geany seems to be pretty good.
  • 5
    The fact that you have a DE running on CentOS is enough for me to walk away and let it burn.

    * @C0D4 exists stage right*
  • 1
    I'm kinda impressed...
  • 11
    You're running X on a server?
  • 3
    I've lost faith in some people when I've seen pull request in our automation with something like

    + set -gx EDITOR nano
    + alias vi nano
    - set -gx EDITOR vim
    - alias vi vim

    from my windows oriented colleague :-)

    This would have been pushed to all linux servers via Ansible. Not on my watch!
  • 3
    Complains about junior running graphics on a server which inexplicably has a graphics environment installed.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm @C0D4 well, I didn't say that I'm not concerned with having DE on server. It wasn't my decision or desire to install graphics, and because of it I straight away said to colleague that it's going to redundantly eat resources.
  • 2
    I'd be more worried about a production server running a desktop manager and wine.
  • 2
    @datablitz7 Check the rant again.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop kinda surprised it hasn't been ported then again there isn't really a desire to I guess
  • 2
    @JamesRyan It's because of vi which induces the "vi syndrome", a sort of brain damage that makes people fail to understand anything about UI design.
  • 0
    Troll is trolling.
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