
I would love to go Linux, but I'm using Visual Studio 😔 Is there way to run VS with Wine without Virtual Machine?

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    You could try
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    Hmmm maybe with the now open source .NET core you might have a tiny chance but I have tried before and it definitely ain't easy to get stuff like that running in wine
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    Vs code
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    Get a virtual machine to run Windows and install just VS
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    Is your target audience windows??? I assume it is! Stick with windows for vs don't consider Linux if you want debugging integration etc.
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    Alright, If you want to use Linux, either dual boot or use a use a Virtual Machine.
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    If you install the correct dependencies and libraries to compile then you shouldn't have a problem. VS is just an IDE. It provides a workbench and a set of tools to make your application work. Only downfall is that you would have to run Windows in a VM to ensure that the application works. Best way slap it on USB stick, have a Windows machine for testing and Dev on Linux
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    Winetricks support dotnet, doesnt it?
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    You can't. Wine doesn't support the required versions of .Net
    Dotnet core isn't a drop in replacement for dotnet proper.

    Mono doesn't support wpf (which visual studio is built on)

    You'll have to virtual machine it. If you're just writing command line c# or don't mind using gtk you could use monodevelop.
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    No wine doesn't support VS.
  • 2
    Sometime you just have to use Windows.

    I just purchased windows 10 pro for VR development.

    With money.

    My money.

    My money I use for things I like.



    For an operating system.

    For an operating system that will be used for just one thing.

    Coming from a linux background that hurts.

    ...no matter how much I wash the filth just doesn't come off...

    What I'm saying is this. Life is all about compromises. Despite having preferences some platforms are just better, or required for certain things. Being a professional is getting past your biases to use the best tool to get the job done.

    If you need to use VS, you should just use the platform that best supports it...

    30 years, and never once payed for an OS till now.
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