I find it amazing how she was able to write all that code by hand, without any tools to assist her. I don't even want to think about the enormous amount of time she spend debugging that.

  • 13
    Respect ✊
  • 6
    What an amazing woman! A proper roll model for all of us. Just been reading about her thanks to your post.
  • 31
    @addvilz I would pay to see someone that write usable code with their dick. It would be impressive!
  • 5
    That too without Stackoverflow :P
  • 1
    @helloworld Thank you for posting the link to that article. It was really nice to read
  • 7
    That's because before they used to think before writing it down, not like today that we type as we think, or worse, we type and think until we're fucked.
  • 1
    That is Daniel Radcliffe...?
  • 2
    All in assembly too!
  • 3
    There is a bug on page 1234. Lol
  • 0
    No stackoverflow, no google?!😲😲😲 goddess of programming. In what language. If i was an astronaut and realised that was the code taking me to the moon, wht wld i think?!😨😨😨
  • 0
  • 1
    @addvilz The more code you write the less likely it is to compile. It's not a matter of writing with pen vs keyboard. It's about compiling and testing code.

    If I had to compile 10 feet high of code that had never been run I would say "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  • 0
    @manbearpigcode which is why i consider this emphasis demeaning.
  • 5
    @addvilz This rant was in no way meant to be demeaning or political. I just thought that it requires some serious genius and skill to write so much code and for such a purpose. I'm still relatively new as a developer. My apologies.
  • 0
    @manbearpigcode ...aaand you're wrong! That's what I'm saying, we're so used to a workflow that consists of "type->save->compile->run->rinse->repeat" cycle.

    That's why we must think, and like some will agree with me, write it down in paper, thinking logically, not thinking "with the code". That's why she was able to do what she did, because there was an intense "logic modelling" before writing it down into code that was useful for the processor.

    And don't take me wrong, that's why I said "We", because I used to do the same before, but now I'm getting used to first "analyze" logically and algorithmically a problem, so that I can later "mold" my solution to a programming language that's suited to solve the problem I'm trying to do.
  • 0
    But...but, didn't she have a team helping her? I feel like she's given all the credit, but I'm pretty sure there were other's.
  • 4
    I don't like when someone or something is over glorified (claiming she wrote the entire thing by herself) http://skeptics.stackexchange.com/q.... She is undoubtably amazing, however the team that assisted in writing the code is being disregarded just because of the phrasing in this picture.
  • 2
    @dalastTomCruise Oh, of course, and so we have to thank the creators of the cpu's, manufacturers, engineers, because without ship and without planning, code it's just words on a paper.

    And no, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm serious, this is a teamwork, and we must acknowledge everyone and everything they've done 😀
  • 2
    @apex couldn't agree more. Most great accomplishments come with a great network of people.
  • 1
    @cheatos101 no, it's Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler
  • 1
    @addvilz Grow up you petty arsehole.
  • 1
    @Lisanna not american. Could not be interested less about that
  • 0
    @addvilz Yep, because I only administer Windows systems 🤔 Great assumption you self important wanker.
  • 1
    @addvilz If you were a real hipster you'd use BSD.
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