Does anyone know a semi decent printer available in Germany/Europe, for personal use that doesn't you a kidney and won't break after 7 months??

They're all so god damn awful it makes me want to pull my hair out.

  • 7
    Being awful is their business model.
  • 0
    I bought the cheapest Samsung laser printer with WiFi a few years ago. It was mostly OK except it disconnected from WiFi once or twice a year. Slightly irritating, but overall I was happy with it.
  • 0
    Be more specific. Laser... inkjet.... purpose Photographic... Reports...
    colour monochrome. Its the sort of vague shit question i get from clients.
  • 0
    If you gotta but an inkjet, you have to pray to the makers that it will just work like you except them to. Some people are lucky enough that they have one that consistently works, but there is a reason why businesses buy laser printers.

    Inkjets are an amazing and affordable technology in itself just like drip coffee makers, too bad they are (probably) designed to easily break.
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    @helloworld a "normal" consumer printer
    Duplex printing, full colour, with a scanner

    I'd get a laser printer, but they're so stupidly expensive they're not an option
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    @M1sf3t It was a laser model. I was using it with 3rd party toners, they were pretty cheap but it was consuming quite a lot of electricity I suppose. That was my conscious choice though, my experience with ink printers told me that unless you're going to use it regularly the maintenance is a PITA.
  • 0
    @gronostaj issue isn't even when using them regularly
    Not touching them for 2-3 weeks? Dried up cartridge is pretty much guaranteed.

    And the fucking software as well, so God damn useless
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    @LotsOfCaffeine I have that problem even with my fountain pen. Though I still keep it because it rocks if it writes, and cleaning when it doesn't isn't too much work.
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    @M1sf3t 20 bucks to replace what? The ink cartridges? That's like 50€
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    @M1sf3t dunno bout those stores
    There is Amazon in Germany, but they haven't messed up orders for me too much
  • 4
    I honestly thought this was about 3D printers, until somebody mentioned ink.
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    @Maer So you didn't have the least inkling. ^^
  • 1
    HP Desktjet randomChar()+=random(0,1000)+=randomChar()+=random(0,9999)+=randomChar();
  • 1
    Didn't you Germans invent printing? How the tables have turned eh.
  • 1
    Get a used professional (they understand postscript and are full duplex) bw laser printer.
    You may have to replace some wear parts and add fresh toner.
    But then you have a real printer wich will last you a lot of years.
  • 0
    Printers are born to die. That's the business model.
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