
What is this RGB trend in PC's. I hate it. Why can't it be just a normal black pc. Is there any use to it?
My SSD thermal-throttled due to rgb lights.

  • 12
    What are they, spot lights?
    LEDs don’t put out much heat.
  • 6
    That awkward moment when your thermal dissipation system is defeated by your pretty insulators.
  • 7
    Add a fan and remove the blankets, space heater, and jacuzzi.
  • 7
    I require my pc to - like me - be as gay as possible with rainbows everywhere
  • 2
    Ok, confession. This SSD is a cheap chinese one. Recently, it was running VERY slow, so I removed the lighting. Temps dropped by ~12 degrees(no shit) and it works normally.

    For that one asshole who will say - WhY dOnT yOu GeT a BeTtEr One, I am almost broke. The same reason why I am meddling with rgb ssd's.
  • 3
    @AvyChanna A cheap $5 fan will do it world of good 😊
  • 1
    @Root but in some components the leds will produce more heat than the components itself.
  • 8
    Even fucking RAM bars have RGB shit these days. I hate that crap. My PC shall be black, dark, and quiet.
  • 3
    I've been doing it wrong all these years.

    I need to get into this Jacuzzi warming system, don't have to worry about water cooling it now.

    Seriously though. If a LED causes the SSD to run hot, I'd be wondering why else is wrong with it, is it an SSD, or is it a SD card in a SSD case?🤣
  • 2
    Personally I fucking wish the trend was metal rather than lights. Like solid aluminum with cool designs on parts like RAM rather than a million lights
  • 1
    the only place i can understand RGB is per key lighting on the keyboard for setting custom layouts. Everything else is unnecessary (though it sometimes can look pretty cool)
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  • 2
    @Codex404 good for winter I guess, but wtf, How is that even legal.
  • 2
    @Jilano This.
    How did it even get past QA?
  • 1
    @Codex404 Oh my fucking god
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