  • 41
    So if we had 6 weeks for a project, we should spend the first four cleaning our keyboard mechanical switches?
  • 4
    @svandeun or cleaning the PCs
    And showering? And brushing/flossing your teeth?
  • 2
    @svandeun that's some good stuff right there!
  • 11
    It seems that Lincoln was a well spoken procrastinator
  • 1
  • 5
    It's as if Lincoln would predict the future masterpieces CSharp and ReSharper.
  • 4
    Or better, spend the first four hours building a chainsaw.
  • 2
    Pretty sure that would be called procastination on our field haha
  • 9
    I would spend 5 and a half hours doing nothing, then finally start. End up completing the task 2 hours late.
  • 1
    So, get a faster cpu?
  • 0
    @maerg why not buy a warehouse and make it a serverfarm.
  • 1
    For any newbie/clueless dev: sharpening the axe on our field means training
  • 0
    @Shago hmm unsure if it makes sense, really... If cutting tree is writing a program, axe would be the tools used to write and compile it. Sharpening the axe then would mean using the proper and properly configured tools for the right job.
  • 1
    @maerg to me it's like "sharpening the saw", one of the seven habits of highly efective people.

  • 2
    I'd rather find a saw that is sharp enough already, cut the tree in two hours instead of 6 and just waste the 4h I just earned reading devRant.
  • 2
    but in order to sharpen the damn axe youd spend another few hours trying to find right tools to sharpen the axe, to fins the right tools to sharpen the axe youd spend another few hours trying to make the right to build the right tools to sharpen your axe, now apply this logic recursively and you will understand why most of the side projects you start never reach completion
  • 0
    I´d rather say... Agile? Basically get the shit done as fast as you can and produce an MVP, Check whats necessary with your requirments and work on them. Trainings especially on the job should have a clear focus. On my pevious jobs there were two kinds of trainings. First new techtrends to know with no focus on actual projects but for future ones and then specific trainings (tools/architecture patterms etc.) to get shit done. The problem with learning is this You should never stop learning but you cannot learn everything. + You cannot do all the work even if you have the abilities. There is a reason why Manyears is a metric and we need to be able to work in a team.
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