A guy that just did not know how to code. He had years and years of experience (?), but DID NOT KNOW HOW TO CODE. He was given a simple task, spent weeks on it and what came out was usually 60 lines of "if, elseif, elsif....else".

He was given several warnings, and eventually "voluntarily" left the company.

I still get screenshots of his code sent by one of my ex-colleagues who's still there when he stumbles across it.

  • 1
    Here take my ++
    The layers and layers of if statement are horrible indeed.
  • 5
    What triggers me most is that elseif is a statement into itself.
  • 4
    @SortOfTested So glad I’m not the only one. I’ve had this discussion with so many other devs before, and they simply cannot grasp why I find it so strange.
  • 5
    It's just pointless syntax bloat. It's lazy language design, rather than consider how a discrete branch should compile, they just reuse the same structural logic as cases and treat if and else as comprehensive boundaries. It's fucking sloppy.
  • 1
    @2Large never*
  • 1
    Yep, it's always good to encode value resolution with pattern matching.

    Though I will say most jvm languages , and even C# are doing their communities a disservice by not supporting union types. Kotlin also killed tuples, which is an objective mistake.
  • 0
    That's what happens when someone only learns algorithms and not syntax.
  • 0
    What if he did it intently? I mean, python doesn't have switch/case and some people learn to actually dislike the keywords.
  • 3
    I love my arrow shaped code, screw you all :(
  • 1
    It would be forgivable if they at least comment but they do those layers likely out of laziness so anything about proper documentation is also no existent. It's just uncaring for the next person who will work on it.
  • 2
    Okay, how does a guy like this end up there to begin with? Shouldn't he be filtered out years prior at an interview?
  • 1
    So.. can we get some screenshots or what?
  • 0
    @localpost Sorry, I am pretty sure he's on DevRant and even if I blur out the visible Git info (from CodeLens in VS) the code reveals where he worked.
  • 1
    C#, Scala, clojure, typescript, I have opinions about how things I like can improve 😘

    Python really is about the same in that regard honestly. For comprehensions are need, but the dynamic typing makes it a bit structurey in the analysis.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested Agreed Indeed comprehensions are great in python. But dynamic typing makes python codebase analysis/walkthrough way too slow.

    Jumping back and forth in function calls and return statement to check what kinda object is accepted and and/or returned.
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