
I had to send in my bachelor thesis project in paper documents and also digitally ... on a CD. Probably bought one of the last CD packs in my life. Why does uni need this in 2020? What about usb?
I don't even have a PC with a CD-drive anymore. Everything is downloaded. I was lucky that there is still a laptop at home that has a drive.
Am I spoiled? Why are CD's still needed, except for games (maybe?)?

  • 0
    Professors are out of touch, usually.
  • 3
    I still have an optical drive in my desktop PC and honestly I don't know why. Haven't used it in years.
  • 1
    People haven't complained enough
  • 0
    Sometimes backwards professor who uses old tech is better than professor who tries new tech....poorly.
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    @N00bPancakes I believe the professors at my uni can handle usb sticks quite well. I imagine even the administration secretaries that are non-techies. That's not an argument. I don't think it's that hard to work with a usb stick.🤷
  • 1
    Same here man. I'm from India, and in university they just made us waste money on CD's and spiral binding and stuff. I mean, you’d think that a CS department will take up all things in an electronic format but no 🙄
    Worst part of it all is that all of those are dumped in a corner of some storeroom and never looked at. Its the submission that gains you points.
  • 1
    I feel the universities around the world are quite often still in stone age.. 😂
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    @gardendwarf if you look at our information system for people, courses, infrastructure and everything else ... the site looks like from 2000 with bad UI/UX.
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    CDs still have their use in docs.
    Can't change or delete data.
    They have a expiracy date, after a few years can't read data (so it can't be stolen 5 years from now), wich is a upside and down side.
    Are easy to store and can't be reused like pen drives, meaning a jerk can't just use the pen with your docs because he needed to save some files
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    USB stick is not the proper way either. The university should have an electronic archival system you could post to online. No physical copies needed.
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    @electrineer riiight ... we don't have that.😅
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    @cb219 the year 2000 is "still quite good".... The university, which I attended had system & website like from 90' 😂😂😂
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