
I hardly even know javascript, but I was able to identify and fix a problem in my Father's corporation website. Should I be worried, that the developer working for him wasn't able to do so?

  • 4
    First, congrats on identifying the error and getting it fixed. The code review and QA process should be looked at as there may be other errors getting into production. Tread lightly.
  • 8
    Sometimes you don't see problem couse you doesn't have enough distance
  • 1
    Could be they know about the issue but hadn't had time to fix it. You never know.
  • 0
    @J4s0n My thoughts exactly. Sometimes you just look at the code too closely to see the problem.
  • 1
    @cjhowald @LucaScorpion It was a single line, needed to display a countdown correctly.
    It's not a big thing, but it's an error afterall
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