
I get a feeling nowadays that a lot of u guys here know each other well.

I dnt knw if that made sense. I’m half asleep.

  • 10
    My lawyer say not to admit I know anyone.
  • 5
    Yeah. It’s a pretty tight-knit community. Less so now, though.
  • 0
    Yeah, I get the same feeling. I hope to one day be "close" to some people around here (mainly the ones I admire) in the sense of like tagging each other and that kind of stuff. Or not, people say to never meet your heroes so idk :T
  • 7
    @neeno People think of me as this really awesome, super hot les dev that kicks ass and doesn’t accept bullshit.

    I’m reality I’m pretty average, kinda ugly, introverted as hell, and avoid conflict thanks to a very long history of abuse. 🙁

    I would totally love hanging out with fellow devRanters, though. It would be a lot of fun.
  • 1
    @rutee07 I miss it, but due to time zones I was always playing alone. It was depressing.

    Also, someone built this absolutely hideous, four-story, empty wooden mansion quite literally on top of my garden, and apparently stopped playing immediately after. It was actually kind of funny.

    I almost burned it down.
    ... and still might. 🤔
  • 0
    @rutee07 * happy noises *

    Well, I can still set up a server, got one rented right now.
  • 1
    @rutee07 I’d be game.
  • 1
    I wouldn't say anybody really knows me, but I guess it's only natural for the most active users of such a small site to end up talking with each other a lot, and thus get to know each other better.

    also re. minecraft, I missed it the first time (my minecraft account had apparently been hacked for years) but I'd also be game
  • 1
    @rutee07 sure would be nice.
    Think you could setup an ssh user so I can configure the mods and shite?
  • 1
    The oldies at least have been around for several years now, so yeah... There have been meets here and there, and of course even on devRant itself friendships were being built too. Some people also took to places like Telegram (codrTalk and such) or Discord to chat more casually. So yeah kinda :D
  • 1
    Wait wait wait, servers? If there's anything I can do for that, I'm down! Well the servers are up of course 🙃
  • 0
    @rutee07 anytime, but since my friend and I are sharing the price, (he'll play as well) we would probably grab like, a euro or one and a half of each player monthly or so.
    Gotta check in with him, @keanu .
  • 0
    @rutee07 Do you want Mods or Vanilla?
  • 1
    @rutee07 Did we still have the discord? It would be a good idea to talk about a modlist :)
  • 1
    @rutee07 oh, Minecraft! Might look into how to set up a server for that then I guess yeah. Apparently it's mostly the mods that take a huge amount of memory, so yeah. Other than that I could just forward it to the edges (3 of them) at ghnou.su.
  • 0
    @rutee07 will go via PayPal.
  • 0
    @rutee07 I’m too tired to know what’s going on. Are you looking for donations to cover hosting? But Minecraft (modded) sounds fun. It would give me an excuse to finally fix my computer.
  • 0
    @rutee07 by the way, server's up, chk discord.
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx Which discord?
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
    @Root I actually feel the same, today everyone’s thoughts and opinions are much more... entropic. I don’t know if it’s because of the pandemic or just in general, but I do sometimes wish that this community would go back to how it was.
  • 1
    What do u all do on discord
  • 3
    I thought mine craft was a kids game.....I’ve seen some children playing it...
  • 0
    So it’s that same minecraft? U all play it? Isn’t it awfully boring?
  • 1
    @Root @rutee07 hey, hey.
    Yeah, it was me. 😂

    I, completely, have forgotten about that "flying" wooden bird house.

    Thanks for the reminder.
  • 1
    @scout it depends on how you interact with the world and perceive it.

    To me, it becomes boring after a while of exploring the terrain. But when I'm building stuff or go on adventures with friends, it can be quite awesome.
  • 0
    Btw. I'm not on devRant that often (checking in once or twice a month) and hang around in Discord.
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