just because i want a motherfucker to sit on top of everything! lol

do you know an easier way?

  • 5
    Lower your other z-indexes, you mad man
  • 3
    Use flex order on your containers, set it to be the first in the order of the outermost container in your set, position: absolute;
  • 7
    Z indexes is like a ridiculous "mine is bigger than yours" contest. Back in the day 100 was the norm for always guaranteeing you were on top - hey, noone needed more than 10) layers right?!

    These days I've seen numbers well into the millions I'm sure...
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce please are you confortable with angular8?

    I have some question about selecting element on the DOM.

    With JavaScript I'm used to document.querySelectorAll

    Now how can I replicate it in angular8
  • 2
    You don't. Components define custom elements. You bind the attributes of the element and its children in the template.


    Directly manipulating Dom elements in angular is an antipattern.
  • 0
  • 0
    @2Large 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • 0
    is this signed or unsigned? If unsigned, throw some neg numbers in there or some shit.

    watch this fucking work lmao
  • 2
    In my projects I only need z-index: 2 for the element to be on top of everything. I treat it like a hate crime towards users because I don’t use modals or popups unless absolutely necessary and there is absolutely no other way. Otherwise I don’t even use z-index because I don’t need it.

    When I see z-index: 99999 I feel like I’m an ancient Roman Empire citizen being gang raped by barbarians
  • 0
    @SortOfTested what do you mean position absolute and flex order? I’m not aware of the fact that flex order has anything to do with overlays but it would be cool if this is a more robust solution.
    I know that you can use position absolute to achieve something similar but I’m not aware of the combination of position absolute & flex order tgt
  • 0
  • 0
    haha and i thought my z index of 10,000 was ridiculous
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