
Imagine a multi driver high quality balanced armature earphones. They have stainless steel ear channels and replaceable meshes. They’re also made by apple. Seems impossible in AirPods era?

No. Apple made them. They are really good and extremely comfortable. They are rare nowadays but here in Russia I just bought brand new pair for just $50. They sound awesome.

I listened to JH Layla and everything by Noble Audio. This forgotten apple earbuds still sound awesome.

It’s not a 3am rant. They actually exist. I have them.

  • 0
    What about 1more double and triple driver earbuds? Saw many good reviews about those, including BT models.
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    @iiii I usually don’t like balanced armatures. I believe in huge dynamic drivers. I like that fat bass literally dripping out of my ears. I got this earbuds only because I couldn’t get them as a kid but I really wanted them.

    I never tried 1more.
  • 0
    @uyouthe 1more have a hybrid dynamic+armature phones IIRC. I believe those are the triple driver ones: 1 dynamic and 2 armature ones.
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    I'm considering ordering their multi driver BT buds with active noise cancelling, but they are much more expensive than regular ones, so it's somewhat a tough choice.
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    @iiii I personally think that crossovers are unacceptable :) I don’t know about 1more but those apple buds literally have more brushed stainless steel than plastic, build quality is amazing. Don’t know if that’s the case with 1more
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    @Jilano me too mate, apple wires are garbage. But I got these buds as a symbol, as a piece of collection and just to listen to them from time to time. So it’s okay I guess
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    Do you still have an iPhone with a 3.5 mm socket? From what I know these won't work on a non-Apple phone, player or a computer since the ground and mic sleeve are swapped (or something like that) - typical Apple.
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    @kamen it works with both my hifi player and my macbook.
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    how many thousands of dollars do they cost?
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    @Midnight-shcode 0.05 thousand dollars to be exact
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    @uyouthe they're not apple, then.

    or does their pocket case cost 1k?
  • 4
    @Midnight-shcode can’t hear you through the brrrrr sound my money printer makes
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    BTW, 1more has even quad driver buds: 1 carbon dynamic and 3 armature ones 😁
    And those have aluminum shell.
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    @iiii I can hear crossovers. I don’t know if that’s the case for everyone but if you can’t hear them you’re extremely lucky
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    @uyouthe what do you mean? I'm not sure. Never tried headphones with more than one driver
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    Here the link to some sound analysis of those
  • 3
    @iiii In Russia we have DrHead pro audio shop with basically every pair of headphones, earphones and other equipment imaginable that you can listen for free. You can go there and spend six hours listening to everything you can see and they won’t say a word. So I listened to very many earphones and the only thing I realized is that live personal audition before purchase is necessary. For example Reddit blessed campfire vega and I found them to be the worst earphones I’ve ever tried
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    @uyouthe nice... I want such shop here.
  • 2
    Once the pandemic is over, I'm going to really miss the ability to blast music with my open backs in whatever office/setting I'm at. I did have a pair of the 1more duals, they were my daily beaters till The left side just stopped working out of the blue 6 months in. They sounded great, I got mindblown the first time I used them but for me even with the biggest earpiece they fell out constantly and that annoys the ever living everything out of me.
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    @Lyym which one did you use?
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    You're saying Apple once built headphones which are not shit? I wouldn't believe it until I hear it with my own ears.
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    @saucyatom good luck getting your hands on these lol
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    @uyouthe I'm sure I'd find something to complain about anyway. Also I'm very happy with my current IEMs (with 4 BA drivers btw).
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    @iiii E1017 model
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    @F1973 apple ones? I don’t think so. Those particular earbuds are pretty good. Every other non-beats earbuds that apple made are garbage though
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    @F1973 AirPods doesn’t provide isolation but the ones in photo has great silicon tips and provide amazing isolation. Like any armature drivers they’re very detailed. Apple actually only made the shell, the drivers inside are Knowles I believe.
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    @F1973 Iems are always better but those apples fits me well
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    > made by apple
    I'd rather not support apple, thanks. I prefer over-ear, anyways.
  • 1
    So I've got the 1more triple drivers and they sound awesome. The music is so detailed.
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    No one:
    That one bouba: apple is bad, I don’t support apple, I recommend you not to use apple products, apple is a waste of mone(6258 lines hidden)
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