
I'll just leave this here

  • 2
    Wtf, is it real?
  • 1
  • 8
    Now you can say "go duck yourself" to the person who pisses you off
  • 7
    Look at it!
    It's almost a dick with a duck on it.
  • 0
    For when you're really fucked.
  • 2
    But I think it's not the best choice for debugging I guess it's really awkward to talk to this rubber di... uhm duck
  • 5
    Am I the only one that saw that and thought "but a ducks dick is a spiral/corkscrew shape..."

    And then I realise why I'm frequently reminded by people that I grew up in the country.
  • 0
    Thanks, I'll order it straight away
  • 1
    @g-m-f More you end up talking to farmers who insist upon the fact in casual conversation and then prove it.
  • 1
    And I've now learned that during sex a duck's penis will literally explode out if it's body, that cheeto puff you see floating around on the top of the pond, may in fact be a duck penis.
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