
Vape bloggers be telling people that it's impossible to quit vaping salt nicotine but I quit successfully. Here's how it went:
1. I took my addiction to the point when I vaped three cartridges a day (that's a lot). I remembered that feeling and recalled that dizziness and urge to vomit instead of "pleasure" when I wanted to vape again
2. It's hard to quit on your own. Instead of nicorette and other shit that doesn't work (because it's also nicotine), I took Cytisine. It removed that URGE and the only thing left to tackle was a psychological addiction
3. Vaping and smoking in my head was tied to a cool moments that I experienced, like smoking with the boys after a hackaton, etc. I analyzed them and realized that they're cool not because of the fact of smoking, they are cool per se. So smoking was not necessary

In my last days of cytisine therapy I not only forgot that I vaped, I sometimes forgot to take cytisine. That means the therapy was successful. My average running distance already improved from 1.5 to 3 km.

There is a research that quitting consuming nicotine can help cure depression. I'll check on that

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    I was smoking cigs, vaping and weed, I also had the missing feeling of pleasures, but for me it was just a click over night, I suddenly simply “didn’t want to” and after a few weeks I noticed “wait, I haven’t smoked in three weeks, LOL!”

    Although I’d take a joint every day of the week again, but only if I’m in a country where it’s legal, which is not the case in my country.

    I think after quitting smoking depression might get less worse, but I also think it won’t get noticeably better than never starting to smoke in the first place.

    I wouldn’t call myself depressed, but that’s what I noticed on myself and experienced by friends.
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    >"Vape bloggers be telling people that it's impossible to quit vaping salt nicotine"

    Meanwhile I'm sitting here, having helped over 50 people quit smoking (and most of em also quit vaping after a little while) with the help of salt nicotine...

    All it takes is (like you've said), a proper method.

    First lower nicotine so your body no longer relies it, then get rid of the psychological addiction caused by it being in your daily routine (lighting a cig at your morning cup, a cig while waiting for the bus, a cig before starting at work, a cig during your break, a cig when heading home, a cig after dinner etc. etc.).

    Nicotine itself is found to be not that addictive as people think, it's more comparable to caffeine (causing you to get alert) and it's crash (causing you to want more)...

    The part that gets you is when it becomes part of your routine...
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    Also, yes, quitting nicotine can help "cure" depression (or atleast, make the symptoms be less of a deal).

    This is because when you consume nicotine you stimulate your brain a lot, and if you already have depression (often caused by a lack of serotonin in your brain), your serotonin "deprivation" is likely to only increase because now your brain is going 110%.

    That's why anti-depressants are often SSRI's, which slow down the breakdown of serotonin, thus causing you to have "enough" of it to satisfy the brain.

    This is only a big generalization and there's more to it, but as a general rule of thumb:

    - depressed person + depressant == becoming more "happy".

    - over-stimulated person (eg. ADHD) + stimulant == becoming more calm.
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    @FinlayDaG33k rituals aren’t everything, there is still physical addiction that is hard to overcome. Cytisine did wonders to me
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    @uyouthe Yea, that's what I said :p

    First lower the nicotine so your body relies less on it ("the physiological addiction").

    Of course, depending on the withdrawal symptoms, you may need stuff like Cytisine to help you out on not feeling like absolute garbage while you do this.
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