I have to go onto windows to do something that Linux can't do. Should I be worried about all the updates? (particularly worried about them overwriting my other partitions since I dual-booted)

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    Well ive we honestly never had that issue but depending how long you have been out you can expect losing some time. What do you need to do ?
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    Also grats on 1000 😂
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    I think the chances that the update will in any way affect your Linux partition are very small. But it can mess up your bootloader, barring you from booting into Linux. It's easily mendable if you have a Linux Live USB or CD, though.
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    @VacGamer arent there odin like programs on linux ? I know its on mac but not sure about linux
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    @liammartens the only tutorials I've seen are for Odin for windows, and since this is my first time, I don't want to mess anything up.
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    @VacGamer aha okay gotcha! Good luck flashing and rooting
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