
When your boss is fucking psychopath that yells, swears and hector the team :(

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    if I was in your shoes, I would go to his higher ups and see if they can fix the situation. Or, if you think the issue can't be resolved, move away from the company.

    Good luck dude :)
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    I was a yelling boss once ... But only because I found it was what those staff needed to get motivated to do their jobs.

    I once tore into a guy and could be heard through the walls. When I came out other staff were looking at me with big eyes ... "What's wrong?"

    I was startled, because I was in a great mood. "What do you mean?"

    "Why are you mad at Colin?"

    "Oh! I'm not mad at all. That's just what he seems to need to get moving sometimes, that's all."

    He was a decent fellow ... Just needed a cattle prod to get him moving sometimes!

    Colin looked me up a few years later, after I had left the group and he had gotten a promotion, thanking me for being the best boss he'd ever had ... Which surprised the hell out of me!

    That's just to say, a yelling boss might not be a horrible person, he may simply be looking at the employee in front of him and thinking, "Shit ... If he really needs it, I guess I can tell and scream at him ..."

    On the other hand, he may just be an arsehole ...
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    Being a great manager is an art form and it doesn't matter what the team is whether it's dev team, sports team, sales team etc.

    The ones that do it best usually go unnoticed and the ones that do it terribly get all the attention
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    @mhall mine just shows his power this way so we feel we have to do more and more just to keep our jobs :| he is not available for us, we have to deal too much things on ourselves such as dealing with payments from clients. He just want to have as much free time as it is possible and gets mad when he has to do something he didn't plan to do himself (like dealing with clients who don't want to pay etc.)

    It's like we were freelancers who do everything on their own and he just want to take his cut of income, doing nothing :|
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    @yarwest thanks. I'm already looking for the new job. Just wanted to shout it out to feel better, not being with this alone. Thanks for support.
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    Yeah, I heard that working for Hillary Clinton's campaign is getting pretty rough...

    Nah, jk. Good luck man!
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