If you are looking for a frontender but your website is totally buggy on mobile, that doesn’t make a great impression. (On anyone really)

If i then see that you have someone walking around in a senior manager position who just came fresh out of school 3 years ago i’m just laughing my ass off.

Hell no i’m not gonna work for that scale-up!

  • 1
    "fresh out of school 3 years ago"



    On the other hand they at least know they need someone to fix the site ;)
  • 1
    What if you’re looking for that front end dev to fix your buggy website?
  • 0
    You know, you really can't stand the pressure of responsibility when you rule out any employer who might actually need your skillset...
  • 2
    How long you've been out of school doesn't correlate to actual experience with programming though
  • 0
    If you measure the skill in ages of experience you’re really, really wrong. We in our YC startup had a 16yo teamlead and he was flawless, much better than those balding php incels with their brains covered in mold. BuT tHeY hAd iXpIrIenS so tHeY mUsT bE bEtTeT
  • 1
    I’ve had my fair share of pressure in the past. It might be somekind of boomer attitude for others but yes, years count.

    To be an expert in anything you roughly need 10.000 hours of practice.
  • 0
    @uyouthe Agreed, but 3 years ... the odds of this guy being an ultra performer ... not high.

    Sometimes just having enough time to see shit is part of it too.
  • 1
    @bad-practice But to be a leader you need a lot more than expertise. In fact, being a team player is incomparably more important than being an expert.
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