A question: what should i learn Nodejs or a Python Web framework (maybe django?)
I just want to learn :)

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    This might be an interesting discussion. I'm gonna stick around :)
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    Learn first python, then switch to javascript because its easy. Then try some django and afterwards some node.

    maybe read about the usage of node js as a work tool with task runner like gulp, js pkg manager bower, scaffolding tool yeoman. Or transpiling Sass into css.
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    I think Node.js will be much quicker and easier for learning purposes. Coming from a guy who's done both.
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    Following because I'm working with node currently.
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    I have the same query. Commenting to be updated
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    @addvilz As a learning programmer, may I ask why? What are the pros/cons?
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    I would recommend Django but just because I genuinely hate Js. So I would do it like that: if you already know some python use Django if not go with Node.js or something because like someone already said you'll need the Js for front-end anyway
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    Disclaimer - I'm a full stack Django dev and thus I might be a little biased here.

    In Django you will get many features out of the box. Django is thus called a framework with "batteries included". You will get all sorts of middlewares (CSRF, CORS, User authentication just to name a few) and you have to practically do nothing to manage them, Django takes care of them implicitly. Django has a beautiful MVC architecture and most of the things and libraries you will need to bootstrap your app will be already defined, you can of course define your own if needed. In nodejs, you have to write everything from scratch and kind of make your own MVC architecture.

    I have just barely touched the surface of Django. Let me know if you have any other queries.
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    If you want to be economical:

    JS has exploded thanks to Node and adoption as the only web language (not counting transpiled languages). So it's beneficial to have on your resume.

    At the end of the day you pick the language/framework you use either based on economical value, because your in a team and that is the language or your personal preference.

    If it's for learning. I'd rather pick based on which language you prefer. Do you like coding in Python or JS more?
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    @morgh thx for your answer :) (and ofc all the others)

    I know that node /js is popular now but i really dont like js to be honest
    Python is beautiful so i might go with django.
    Never seen a Company ask for django... Oh well :D

    Thanks again guys love this community
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