What is with people bringing in their flu to the office? Stay at home

  • 1
    You are so right. Move your seat for today. Can you?
  • 0
    @Jumpshot44 Not an option haha
  • 4
    Taking sick days is looked down upon in America.
  • 0
    @jlave215 wow not in uk really
  • 1
    @jlave215 unpaid absence
  • 2
    @jlave215 Bringing sick days are not?
  • 3
    I still remember comming in on Christmas eve when I had a massive fever just to get work done. Turned out everyone but myself and one other I'll person had taken the day off. Pretty sure I spent most of that day semi delirious trying to code...
  • 1
    Thanks. It feels a bit better knowing people appreciate me being home instead of thinking of me as a traitor (I have a massive cold at the moment).
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